Frequently Asked Questions
Our donors have zero history of BV, yeast vaginitis, or sexually transmitted infections, and they answer a survey similar to those given to blood donors, but with additional questions specific to genitourinary health. Most who have applied to be donors become ineligible at this step.
Those few incredibly healthy women who pass the survey round receive vaginal microbiome testing using the most advanced sequencing technology known to humans: whole genome sequencing. This unfortunately eliminates some others who have applied to be donors.
The healthy women who meet the very high bar for vaginal microbiome health are then screened for pathogens, with tests including but not limited to:
Hemoglobin A1c
HIV 1 & 2
RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin) with reflex to titer
Hepatitis screening:
Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Antibody, Total with reflex to IgM
Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) (with reflex to confirm)
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (anti-HBs)
Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Total (anti-HBc)
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody with reflex to Quantitative Real-time PCR
TORCH panel:
Toxoplasma, IgM
Rubella, IgM
Parvovirus, IgM
Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus 1, 2 (HTLV-1/HTLV-2), Qualitative
Urinalysis (complete with microscopic evaluation)
Vaginal swab:
Screening for BV: Includes visual assessment of fluid, microscopy for clue cells, whiff test, and pH measurement.
Cervical cytology
HPV DNA, High Risk, Cervical
Bacterial Vaginosis/Vaginitis Panel (Garnerella, Trich, Candida etc)
Chlamydia/Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Herpes Simplex Virus, Type 1 and 2
Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma Panel
Streptococcus Group A Culture
Streptococcus Group B Culture
Contact us at support@antheraVMT.com or 503.446.2353
Your first appointment will be a Zoom appointment
We may suggest more traditional therapies, like probiotics or prescription drugs, or we may recommend VMT
The initial 60-min telehealth appointment to review your health history costs $325
If you haven’t had vaginal microbiome testing, the test we use typically costs $199
The total cost of VMT depends on the number of doses needed, but typically averages between one and three thousand dollars depending on severity and duration of the condition.
Follow-up 30-min telehealth appointments are $240
Schedule your appointments for a time when you are not menstruating or ovulating
Abstain from using any intravaginal products at least 24h before and after your VMT appointments, if possible
Abstain from vaginal intercourse for 24h before and after your VMT appointments
Our office manager Payton can help you with any questions about lodging near the clinic, or things to do while you’re in Portland
Dr. Long believes that patients should be physically and emotionally comfortable during sensitive treatments like VMT, and her treatment approach and our clinical environment reflect that
Anthera uses three layers of caution to assure that there is no risk of our VMT products containing or being exposed to any amount of sperm
Our donors sign a contract that they will not engage in any penis-in-vagina sex without barrier protection in the five days before collecting samples
We use a light microscope to look at every single sample for the presence of sperm
We use a PSA swab to test every single sample for the presence of any amount of semen
Even though we have used three methods to assure the absence of sperm in our samples, we still ask patients to make sure they are not ovulating when they receive VMT